Fire Friday pick of the week takes us to JFK Stadium, Philadelphia, PA. July 7th, 1989.
This version of "Fire On The Mountain" is just as hot as it was that day. Some reported temperatures of over 100 degrees.
It was also the end of JFK Stadium. Six days after our 1989 show, then Mayor Wilson Goode, condemned the stadium due to multiple findings by city inspectors that the structure was structurally unsafe and a potential fire hazard. Just hours before the concert, city inspectors discovered piles of combustible materials, numerous electrical problems, and crumbling concrete. There had been reports of falling concrete for some time before then. Our concert was allowed to go ahead due to strict no-smoking regulations that had been enacted some time before. It was demolished on September 23, 1992.
Here are some memories of that day from those who were there:
"It was SO hot, and I was standing directly in front of Brent at the beginning of the show when the band started tuning and then playing. He realized he forgot his infamous red cup, gets up, walks off stage, comes back with his cup, sits down and starts playing again! I was laughing my a## off." ~ Jill S.
"I really loved this summer tour as a rule show for show it was kind but the box scarlet fire and the blow away were some of my all time favorite versions" ~ Rodger A.
"Heard they pulled the stadium down 2 weeks later, Jerry and the boys certainly tore it down that night they were hot!!!!!!" ~Ripple
" The Phil Zone goes nuts when we all realize it's Box of Rain! Scarlet>Fire with the bright red sun setting. I think I just peaked. After sunset it finally starts to cool off…slightly" ~ Mr. Charlie
"The music was mind-blowing, I remember chugging from a big green Kool Aid jug being passed around, I was with a friend on the right side about 20-25 rows in front of Brent. The concert was electric.. " ~ Billy L.
Official Show Release:
Crimson, White & Indigo
1 DVD and 3 CDs of pure bliss captured July 7, 1989 at Philadelphia’s John F. Kennedy Stadium.
Featuring the crisp multiple-camera video and superb 24-track audio.