New Years Message from Mickey

I would like to thank you all for making 2014 so cool. Without your support I could not have explored the music of the cosmos, brainwaves and stem cells.

Music is a special thing. An energy that has a direct route to the soul. It knows no boundary lines, no demographics. Age and sex don’t really matter. Monthly income is of no consequence.  It seems to be in the domain of the beholder, the recipient. Anyone with an antennae can receive his or her own message. We say this energy is special, perhaps it’s the fruit of humankind. Perhaps it’s an elixir of life, a special juice that lives a little outside of everyday life. We didn’t ask for it, but it is with us as it has been forever, it is ours. It’s a continual statement of how it is here on earth. If a foreign entity were to dial into our frequency, above the chatter of everyday life, there would be a pure vein of music. Perhaps expressing the deepest of our emotional needs, wants and joys. This is a great mystery. And a mystery it will remain. It is impossible to explain the unexplainable.

The bird gave me the word… 2015 will be even better. Our long strange trip continues


